Day One - Continued:

By the end of day one of my final major project, I have spoken to tutors about planning my final piece, and have written brief outlines for two potential pieces. I am now slightly less certain of the piece I would like to create, but I am still going to develop them both for my pitch.
Tomorrow, I will create a brainstorm for each of the ideas, and possibly consider some drafts of an eventual storyboard.

Day One

Today, I start work on my final major project, I have a couple of ideas that I am going to work on and develop. By Tuesday 5th April, I must have these two ideas developed to an extent that I can pitch them to my tutors and fellow students. From the feedback attained via this process, I will decide which idea I wish to pursue for my final piece. I already have an idea which piece I would rather make, but I am going to develop them both fully in case I change my mind.

Final Major Project

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be working on my final major project, this will be where I keep my daily log of activity and post any experimentations/pieces I create in the time up to my finished piece. Feel free to let me know what you think!

The Charlatans - Studio Set:

The Charlatans Profile from Media Centre on Vimeo.


Edwyn Collins - Studio Set:

Edwyn Collins Profile from Media Centre on Vimeo.

Simon Aldred - Studio Set:

Simon Aldred Session from Media Centre on Vimeo.


Steve Mason - Location Shoot:

Steve Mason Profile from Media Centre on Vimeo.