New Visual Technique

I recently had a new idea of ways to show the confessions I get. I originally thought of it whilst watching the news, when I saw a piece on students from overseas talking againgst their home countries. In this piece, the faces of the people were not seen as the only light came from behind their heads. Although this has been done countless times before, I am going to look further into it and see if there are any ways that I can customise this and use it in my piece.


Since Wednesday, I have been thinking about different techniques I could use in the filming of my piece and so far I only have a couple of ideas. However, I am sticking at it, and I will hopefully come up with some more ideas in the close future.


I am in the process of writing my brief, this is going quite well so far, and I am quite happy with the way my idea is coming across. Since my last post, I have also had some new ideas that are quite simple and I think may help improve the way my finished piece will look.


I have sorted out the problems I was suffering with yesterday. I now have a brainstorm about different types of confessions I have looked into. I now just need to think of the unique way in which I am going to gain the confessions for my piece. May brainstorm some more later.

New Methods

Due to the idea for my piece being strongly confessional, I have been trying to think of possible ways that I can collect confessions from various people. I think this has to involve more than just sitting people in a room and getting them to voice their confessions. Therefore, I need to think of an original way of gaining these confessions, something that has not been done before. I am still thinking this through.

Sky Atlantic

I thought I would show this as, in my opinion, it has everything. A great narrative comes together with the choice of location and audio really well and leaves the viewer with a sense of happiness, and therefore the advert stays in the mind of anyone who has viewed it. This of course is great for ratings, but I hope to do the same sort of thing in my final piece, to fuse a narrative, visual material and audio together in such a way that it envokes some kind of emotion in anyone who views it.

Pitch Complete

Pitched my ideas yesterday. As I expected, my tutors thought that my second idea had more potential. I have quite a few extra ideas after yesterday, I am going to get them brainstormed later today, after I have completed some preliminary research.


Got my two ideas sorted, pretty much ready to pitch them. Slightly nervous about what people will think of the ideas, but as long as it comes across well in the pitch, I have high hopes! As well as this, the piece that I want to make most has changed! I think idea two will give me a lot more opportunities to experiment and possibly even to make more pieces depending on time constraints.