Exhibition Night:

My exhibition space is finally complete. The photographs look good, the audio quality is good, the divide looks brilliant, and tonight is the exhibition's opening night. Now that everything is done, I cannot wait until tonight. Looking at everybody's work, its going to be brilliant, and I can't wait to see if people take notice of/like my piece.


On Friday (17/06/11), I took a trip to B&Q to find a piece of radiator cover that would be suitable to use as my divide. The only piece that would have been suitable was £25 for a sheet, and even though I have no problem spending money to make my exhibit look better, I found this to be extortionate. Therefore, I took to making one. This was extremely time consuming to say the least, but after drilling way over a hundred holes, finding that the holes were to small to see through, re-drilling the holes and sanding to finish, I am extremely happy with the way it looks and I think it makes my space look numerous times better. Its all coming together now, and so far, I couldnt be more happy with the way my exhibit is looking.

Exhibition Space:

My exhibition space is up, and although it is not the way I originally thought it would look, it fits into the space really well. I also have a piece of purple fabric that I will use in my space, as the light will reflect really well off it, and whilst covering the white walls on the inside, it should look good behind my photographs. I have high hopes that when it comes together it will look brilliant. Next steps, find a suitable divide and get my photographs printed and mounted so they can be installed.

Start Of Exhibition Work:

Over the next two weeks, we will be putting together our exhibition space. I know what I want my section to look like, however I know that it may not look exactly how I want it so I am not thinking too much until my space is allocated.
I do know however, that it will involve a form of divide such as those in confessions booths etc. I also know that I will have my photographs behind this divide, and that my audio piece will be played through headphones so that people can look through the divide and speculate as to which confession is made by each person.





I like the way these photos have turned out. With the help of Adobe Photoshop, I have made the background white and the quality of the lighting in the photograph look a lot better than it did originally. I have done this to the other twelve photographs and will use these in my exhibition.


Over the past couple of days, I have been working towards getting photographs of everyone who confessed. However, some of the people did not want their photo's taken, and there were a couple of people that I could not track down. Therefore, I took photo's of as many people as I could, and there is a total of fourteen. Most of the photographs are of good quality, but I took them in two different locations, and some of them have a yellow tinge. A trial of Adobe Photoshop is in the process of downloading so that I can work on the photographs and hopefully make them look they way I want them too with a white background etc.

Rough Edit + Tutorial:

I created a rough edit that gets across my idea today. This involved using Adobe Audition and its multitrack, etc. I thought this piece would be of a good enough standard to use as part of my exhibition. I then had a tutorial in which it was suggested that I could try and bring memory into the piece by making it seem as though the viewer is forgetting or remembering parts of the confessions. I tried this and decided that I prefer the first edit.


Today, I went into college with a rough idea of what I wanted my piece to look/sound like. After today, I have seven experimental edits and know what I need to do tomorrow in order to create a rough edit. After I have created this edit, I will speak to tutors etc + go from there.

Adobe Audition:

On Thursday (02/06/11), I attempted to download a trial of Adobe Audition so I could experiment with the editing of my piece, but there was not enough room on my computer for it to download. So yesterday, I cleared down my computer and now it is in the process of downloading. This will hopefully leave me with enough time to experiment and to find out exactly how I want my piece to sound before I go back to college on Tuesday (07/06/11).

Recording Audio:

I started recording my audio yesterday. So far there is a wide range of material and I am already seeing numerous different ways that the piece could be edited. The main decision during the editing process will be whether I keep it serious and only include the confessions that will support this, or whether I include some of the humerous confessions and make the piece a lot more laid back. I am going to download Adobe Audition and experiment with this in due course.