Second Test Shoot

Yesterday, I was planning to film more footage for my piece, however, due to weather problems I could not film at the same location. Therefore, I started to think about other locations that would not be affected by the weather, and I decided on the train station as it gets a steady flow of people walking through and even though people may be in a rush to catch their trains, it is a dry environment, so people are more likely to take the time to talk.
When I arrived at the train station, I found that there was work taking place on the building next door and therefore there was a lot of background noise.
After this, I decided to take a trip to the nearby town of Bolton as I have been before numerous times with family, and there is some nice architecture which I thought would work well as a backdrop for my piece.
When I got there, the weather had cleared up slightly and there was a lot less wind in the area. There were three main places that I looked at but only one looked suitable. This was outside the town hall and therefore right in the center of the town where there were many people walking etc.
All in all, considering the 2 hour return journey time to get to Bolton, even though The audio aspect of Bolton was better due to superior weather conditions, I found that people were more cooperative in Blackburn and therefore I think I will keep to my original plan to film my piece in Blackburn.